Here you can find everything about my experiment, from the data I found, my analysis, and even footage of me conducting the experiment!
Control trials
In this recording, I conducted the control trials. I created each 2 puck/rod system with all three rods (of 6 inch, 8 inch, and 10 inch), and spun it on the air hockey table to record the rotational speed of the system. Read my lab report to find out the results and analysis!
6 inch rod
This footage records the trials conducted with the 2 puck/6 inch rod system. The trials recorded are when I added 10 grams on each puck and when I added 20 grams on each puck. I spun the system several times to record the rotational speed of the system. Read my lab report to find out the results and analysis!
8 inch rod
This footage records the trials conducted with the 2 puck/8 inch rod system. The trials recorded are when I added 10 grams on each puck and when I added 20 grams on each puck. I spun the system several times to record the rotational speed of the system. Read my lab report to find out the results and analysis!
10 inch rod
This footage records the trials conducted with the 2 puck/10 inch rod system. The trials recorded are when I added 10 grams on each puck and when I added 20 grams on each puck. I spun the system several times to record the rotational speed of the system. Read my lab report to find out the results and analysis!
Imbalance trials
In this final clip are the trials for all 3 2 puck/rod systems, but each system had a 20 gram weight on one puck, and a 10 gram weight on the other puck. I spun each system several times to record the rotational speed of the system. Read my lab report to find out the results and analysis!
Experiment procedure
To the left is the procedure for my experiment. Find out how I conducted my experiment and to help demonstrate the space tether concept!
Experiment data
The results are in! Find out what I discovered and showed in my experiment. Lab report and analysis on the next row!
Lab report
Here it is! My lab report! Follow me as I explain my experiment, discover the results, and my analysis. Read about the flaws and constraints of the experiment, and my overall conclusion.