Research and Data
Here you can find all of the research found, data collected, and their respective analyses. Follow me as I progress in my project!
Research Outline
This is the culmination of my research I have gathered from a plethora of sources across the internet. From NASA to research articles to the official website of SpaceX, here's what I've found about the space tether theory.

Survey Analysis
In this document I recorded the results of a survey I released to the student body. With over 200 responses, many results I had expected, and some were a surprise, learn more by reading the document.
Annotated bibliography
Here you can find my annotated bibliography of some of my sources I've used in my research. Discover where my sources are from and how useful they are!

Experiment procedure
To the left is the procedure for my experiment. Find out how I conducted my experiment and to help demonstrate the space tether concept!
Experiment data
The results are in! Find out what I discovered and showed in my experiment. Lab report and analysis on the next row!

Lab report
Here it is! My lab report! Follow me as I explain my experiment, discover the results, and my analysis. Read about the flaws and constraints of the experiment, and my overall conclusion.
Project value template
This document attempts to guesstimate the cost of producing a real life space tether, including employment, and material costs.